Sierra Boat Company Sells To A Fellow Enthusiast, Phew!

The Showroom at Seirra Boats on Lake Tahoe California
We got this report in from Longtime fellow Woody Boater Herb Hall. Some great news for all Woody Boaters out there..and my chair writing this stuff. Here is the report from Sir Herb himself.

The Sierra Logo
Press release, Sierra Boat
There have been rumors for the last few years that Sierra Boat had sold. Let’s just say that it has been a very long process, but as of Monday June 27th we actually closed on Sierra Boat. My father, George Hall, along with his brother and sister, bought the company in June of 1977, exactly 45 years ago. The Hall family, though dedicated ownership and a succession of excellent management and staff, have built the company to legendary status among the wooden boat
community. Those original owners are no longer with us, and the second generation had decided that it was time to sell. Finding the right buyer would not be easy.

Seirra Boat Co from above.
Fortunately, I was approached by Joe Baratta, Sacramento born and a Lake Tahoe local. Joe is a long-time member of our family of wooden boat owners and is dedicated to preserving SBCO and maintaining the level of service and commitment to our customers that has been the cornerstone of the Hall family’s mission statement since 1977. He bought the company because he has an appreciation for what we do, and a love of fine craftsmanship. That means we will continue to do what we have always done. So, Sierra is not being converted into a private club or condos as the Tahoe rumor mill would tell.

From above from back in the day
At Joe’s request, I have agreed to remain with the company as president and continue to own a stake in the company. I am not retiring yet.
So, there you have it, this is not fake news!
Herb Hall, Sierra Boat Co

Herb and Al..and a trailer… and some boxes..
Press release 2. California Classic Boats
As of last summer, I purchased California Classic Boats from founder Al Schinnerer. Last fall, my wife and I drove to Al’s Long Beach shop and loaded up over 600 hardware molds he had produced over a 40-year period. Due to delays in getting my shop built, those molds remain in boxes, so my production is very limited at this point. The web site is very dated, but most of the items pictured will be available in the future.
Herb Hall, yes the same Herb Hall as in the first press release.
Both events should be a relief to woody boaters in that they will continue to be of service to the community! Congratulations all around.
Sierra Boat is home to our ’62 Resorter 19 and our ’73 XK22. We LOVE SCBO and the people who work there. A fine group of welcoming people. I am Glad Herb is staying on. SBCO and the amazing crew is the main reason we moved to Tahoe. We are grateful they welcomed us and our boats as we have the most amazing summers boating as much as we can!
That’s great news that they will continue to provide great service and maintain that classic boat knowledge. The current staff and management are excellent.
Forgot to mention they recently refinished my hull and external bright side for my 57 Sedan Cruiser. They did an outstanding job!
Beautiful little cruiser, I had the 25′ Express Cruiser version (shorter cabin top – less head room). Never got to restore it to your level of finish as someone else had to have it and sold it to them. They horded it but never restored it, passed away and it went to a non hobbyist and will unfortunately not be restored but “customized”.
Thanks Floyd. That’s unfortunate. I enjoy doing some of the work and cruising around Tahoe. One of the two KL Engines may need a rebuild next year. Other than that trying to get the horn working it’s in great shape. All the best to you.
Glad to hear Herb will be staying on and arranged ownership to an appropriate owner keeping up the SBCO tradition of service.
Congratulations all around! The Schinnerer and Sierra Boat legacies are in good hands and will continue to provide the hobby with their fantastic resources and services! 🙂
Great news all the way around!
Congratulations to Herb and family!
Well done on all counts – two historic legacies in the national vintage boat community that will now be carried on into the future – for next generations to enjoy. Best of success!
Congratulations on the sale. Best wishes for all
Sierra Boat and Herb Hall are the reason I got into wooden boating when I bought my 63 Century Resorter 17 from them in 05. Previous to buying the Resorter my wife Carolyn and I frequently vacationed in Tahoe and always visited Sierra to gawk and drool over their inventory and walk through their workshops. We are elated that Herb will remain as President and that they will remain as Sierra has always been. We are similarly pleased that Herb has bought Al Schinnerer’s inventory and will preserve that valuable part of our hobby. Al is a member of our SoCal ACBS and we are happy to see his business go to a good home. Many good wishes to all that made this happen.
Very glad to hear this legendary company will continue what it does best. Congratulations to the new owner and Herb continuing at the helm!