The Old Boats Home Opens A New Emergency Room

As the new Old Boats Home grows, and yes its having a population boom. We decided a new ER was needed. Hey, every assisted living place has such a thing. Along with some canasta games! Anyway, what is an ER, and how does it work?

The new Emergency Room  is there when you need help right away. Like you are broken down and maybe need some help trying to figure out whats going on, or you? Oh heck, I have no idea. But that’s what life in the ER is like. It’s the reason its a wide open category and is only to be used in an emergency. This way we know its a critical issue and can get you help right away and then send you to the correct category for long term help. Or the new Mental Health wing in the works. Wait, thats Woody boater? Thats here? Wait, Thats Me! Oh SHIP!  It’s like another loop thing. NOOOOOOOOOOO! Zippers!

Want to know what the Zipper reference is?  CLICK HERE

18 replies
  1. Greg Lewandowski
    Greg Lewandowski says:

    Wow, this is getting serious. I was going to make a smart ass comment in the “need help now” category but was afraid it would get me busted. Sorta like a fake 911 call. So I will just wait for my clutch plates to get here!

  2. Dan Overbeek
    Dan Overbeek says:

    It is a little unsettling to find out that you Matt, are in charge of the Mental Health wing. That may explain some of the stuff that goes on here. But seriously, the new site is fantastic and is getting better by the minute!

  3. BT
    BT says:

    Swatting is the new term for a fake emergency call made. It’s becoming way too popular and should be avoided at all costs in Woodyboaterville.

  4. Murdock
    Murdock says:

    It’s now called “Behavioral Health” in the current world and I’m afraid of only one thing:
    If we get identified and called out, you can bet your collective a$$e$ that most of our wives will check us in.
    Matt, will there be separate wings to identify where we’ll be situated?
    You know, the C-C wing, the Hacker wing, the GW wing, the Century wing, etc, etc?
    Therapy can involve working on engines, sanding, painting, etc……
    Wait! Maybe this can be covered under Medicare Part A or B?!?!??!
    Just checkin’ for a friend you know.

    • Rick
      Rick says:

      If our wives check us into a Behavioral Health clinic they may try and make us take a hike or go bowling instead of working on our boats (or pretending to) or drinking margaritas at the beach/sandbar/island etc.. Will WoodyBoater have a divorce lawyer standing by?

    • Ollon
      Ollon says:

      If that has a built in porta-potti, it’s perfect.

      This is great Matt just like AAA… Lakeside assistance.

  5. Walt
    Walt says:

    I would just say there’s a need to set expectations for how quickly someone will respond to an emergency post. Well, unless Matt now has experts standing by 24/7 in India and Panama.

  6. Floyd r turbo
    Floyd r turbo says:

    Nothing to be alarmed about but I’m on day 3 of waiting for my account to be approved. I know cold weather slows things down but…maybe I’ve been deemed incorrigible. 🤔

  7. Matt
    Matt says:

    I just looked over the un verified list and you are on it. CHECK SPAM to verify your emal. BTW, you are not alone

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