The Spirit Of Real, Is Real.

I know I have expounded on this subject from time to time. So please excuse me for a second..minute.. again. The spirit of real is real. A soul can be part of anything. Our brains do most of the work, but it is a real thing. Scientifically real? No. But neither are humans. We are a perfect blend of emotion and chemistry. That is the magic of living beings. Okay what triggered this Matt?

history has flaws.
The other day while working on the Double Secret Project X, I was faced with some real life testing on my vision. It’s old, obsolete, and will be a pain in the ass to work around with and insure. But it’s all part of this things life. It’s history is the soul of its life who am I to change it, for the better? Or is that worse?

Nothing here would save your life, yet makes it worth living!
Different cultures feel differently about this. So it’s a subjective thing I suppose in many ways. In Japan for example there is a huge ancient door way to a palace. Been there for over 700 years. Yet i’s replaced over and over again, and yet considered the original. This could be a cultural thing, which might explain the auto business there that uses original designs and makes them in mass. And it’s not considered a design rip off. Where as in England lets say, the original door on a pub is in fact that original wood. Never changed, maybe repaired.. Same in Germany if it wasnt blown up. Germany is very keen on leaving the scars out there to be felt. And I suppose in the end of this subjective debate, feelings is what its all about. Hit it Morris!
Okay, we are back.. So what in the hell does this topic have to do with boats? For God’s sake Matt it’s too early in the AM to go into deep thoughts. Just show a dam boat and tell its story. Well, that’s the point here. The boat has a story and in my book, as valuable as the boat itself. ThAYER IV, YIP YAP, and countless others out there. Your Grandfathers boat you can’t find. Or did, and spent your kids college fund restoring. WHY? Because emotion, love, and history are the best part of life. And nothing has it more than a Woody Boat! NOTHING! Okay , maybe a Teddy Bear. Which by the way I sent to England to be restored after one of my dogs ate it. Yes England! GOO GOO lives!

I have had Goo Goo since birth. He has paint on him, some model I built, A huge scar, lost an eye at some point. And part of an ear. But Goo Goo and a blank check were sent off years ago and saved.

Don’t be worried Goo Goo, we will keep you safe from “him”
And yes, I just noticed the similarity. Good lord, we live our lives in patterns and circles.
Heaven help me, but I still have my teddy bear too. Worn thin, not restored, but plenty of patina, scuffs, bruises, bumps, stitches and original. Hanging around and held together by memories, dreams and imagination.
Kinda like my old cars, my old boats and me.
And I’m OK with that……..
Matt, I named my Teddy bear “Boo Boo (Bear)!”
Great (developing minds) think alike!!
Well, at least the video had some boats in it!
Reminds me of the debate as to when too much of a wood boat’s wood is replaced that it is no longer an old boat but a new boat in the sprit of the old boat. I for one prefer an imperfect original. The dings and repairs tell the story of a life well used/lived.
Must be February!
Timely subject for me,…Google must be sending you my recent searches…. I rescued an old 8′ Pram from the burn pile at my dads, many years ago, that was in the family as far back as I can remember.. It was “Mom’s Boat” (My father was genius way back ) I dont ever remember mom actually sailing it, but was a staple on the waterfront for the seven of us kids. Got painted many times, fiberglassed, and abused over the years but was a key player in some significant family “events” including saving the family dog who had fallen through the ice. ( Dad was mad at my hero brother for scarring up the interior with his ice skates (afterwards)..)
So in true ADD fashion, when I was “organizing” my “boat barn” the other day I looked at it and wanted to know what it really was… SO after much Google searching, and thinking at first it was a Chris-Craft 8′ Pram kit boat, (old ads on EBay are a great resource!)….I determined it is a 1950-54 ish “Sea-Shell” kit boat made by Hagarty in Cohasset Mass. Was the sailing version and still have rigging and rudder/ tiller/ oars Enough for background..
Heres the delimma.. if you saw it youd probably carry it to the burn pile. It has to much history and memories for me. Id like to restore it ….
Making it seaworthy.. and back on the water… I ll have to take it apart anyway so I may copy the remaining panels for patterns then get out the Smiths Penetrating Epoxy and see what original wood I can reuse…. then use the templates to build a new replica…. and begs the question how much original wood needs to stay to keep it original. I want to keep Patina ..and the ice skate scarred interior ,, and Lord knows I have much better things to spend my time on, Ill blame the Pandemic …
And yes I still have my original German Teddy Bear, my father purchased in Austria back in the 60’s, that has scars from our dogs, but has survived and has many stories he could tell of family adventures… .
Dog ate my teddy bear. Threw away the bear and stuffed the dog.
We call that the axe-handle theory. The farmer proudly showed his guest the “family axe” which had been in the family for centuries. When questioned about its authenticity, the farmer allowed that the head had been changed once and the handle twice, but was adamant that it was still the same axe.
There are blurred lines between maintenance, repair, restoration, and outright reinventing.
my teddy is in a drawer around here….he is tiny but still well love and preserved…..which drawer? I wonder….
John in Va. Got first shot yesterday…drove 6 hours for it…Going Boating today…
Maybe that’s been my problem all my life, I never had a teddy, although I did have a pet raccoon. I prefer this kind of teddy now tho.
Floyd you must be a Airplane guy.? Material does work well on polishing. !
Nothing Beats The Lines of a P51D
A Spitfire is a close second
Not me, my dad who got his wings in the Marine Corp was. I really couldn’t see all the $$$ going to the FBO to store a plane for so few opportunities to use in Maine where we call Winter just 6 months of bad sledding.
Is that a “STEIFF” bear?
I am not sure. My dad got it for me on a trip in Europe. It has some sort of wood straw inside and would know how to tell if it was.
Antiques road show said that may be really valuable.
This is crazy how applicable it is to my current situation – I’m currently contemplating buying a wooden boat that’s only ~5% original wood. I was also just yesterday thinking about my grandfather’s old Chetek/Bearcat outboard that’s sitting in bad shape on an Iowa barn.
My big question about the boat I’m looking at – how much can be changed before it’s really just a new boat/restomod and not a classic? Or is it just the design and having original hardware/engine/etc that keeps it an “old boat”?
My wife still has her stuffed toy
I was middle child
I think I had a rock or something
My Streblow rebuild will only have the keel,chines and sheer shelf original
Maybe that’s why it’s taking 8 years
I think I miss that rock
Uh, I think Radar here has been sniffing the varnish….
Boy this is a real touchy subject for me, I own 3 boats, one is my Grandfathers 24 ft. 1939 CC, which we bought back from the 3rd owner 43 years ago, and it is pretty much original. It IS one of the 7 built for the CC family members. Fast forward to the early 2000s and I get a call from a guy who wants to have one of Molly-O’s sister ship’s “restored” and wants all kinds of photos and measurements…..for the next 2 years! Pretty much the only thing left of the “sister” ship was the piece of wood with the hull number on it……ergo the question is it still a sister or a stepsister?
PS I never had Teddy Bear!!!!
I still have my teddy – he has an honor spot on my dresser, so we see each other every day. Our original family boat, a 1954 21’ Bryant Voyager, is long gone, but I am in contact with someone who owns what may be the last one extant and am tempted… It would have no value to anyone but my immediate family and would be a major undertaking. I need another boat like I need a hole in my skull, but still…
Dick, do it — if for no other reason than to save a piece of local ‘history’ (whether you need it or not). Every year so much of this is being lost forever.
Do your part to preserve what you can for future generations — just realize your limitations.
I hope this is my last ‘inspiration’!!!!!
I own my grandfather’s (and then my father’s) ’46 U-22. My grandfather purchased it from the original owner in 1963. By 2006 it was a complete basket case and should have been taken out to a field a shot. Yet, we still used it and loved it so we undertook a huge overhaul. After a refinish down to bare wood (it’s all mahogany – not a white sided model), 5200 bottom, new upholstery, etc., we still love it to this day. The planking, decking and brightwork are all 99% original and not perfect. I know the origin of nearly every little bump and bruise. There is no questions that it has a soul. To every one else (who is not insane), it was a pattern boat at best; to me it is the connection I have to my family and something that I will be able to pass down to my kids. Every summer I am immediately transported back to a time when all of us were still “here.” It is a connection like no other. I’m grateful to be a steward of this piece of history. Which is how I justify the cost to my wife each time it needs finish work or anything else.
P.S. My teddy bear’s name was Fred. I’m quite certain he is still at my Mother’s house. Going to have to look for him when COVID is finally over.
This is real. Anchored right next to me.