The Thursday Pre Lake Dora Show Party! Woohoo!



We have gotten a ton of questions regarding the Thursday Night event that we normally do at Lake Dora Thursday Evening. This all started years ago when we started WoodyStock Fla, a gathering before the storm of friends to say THANKS to the Volunteers.  Now it’s a massive get together and a ton of fun, and because the logistics have, well, gotten a bit insane, Terry Fiest and the Sunnyland gang orchestrates it.

fla-2015-kabbot-funThis years event will take place at the Lakeview Inn right at the show location—we will use the new lobby and the pool area. We are calling the reception the “ Canadian/American Reception” to recognize our relation ship with Canada and show our appreciation for their continuous support of our show.fla-2015-don-ayers

So the good news is there will be HUGE red fenders all over the place, so its easy to find! Just kidding…. Terry and the gang are still working out the details. The fun part of this party is it’s a very casual fun time to just hang with pals before the crowds show up and we all have to be adults.

20 replies
  1. Greg Lewandowski
    Greg Lewandowski says:

    Nice to see the photos of Kabot’s Habit. Rumor has it she may be coming home to visit Algonac for the show in June. We hope to see her there!

  2. Roberta
    Roberta says:

    Any registration required for this event? Rich and I will be there with the Torpedo. We will be coming off the St. John’s South Cruise Thursday with Guy Marvin..

  3. Rob
    Rob says:

    Canada has the greatest fenders. They are great. Tremendous fenders. The best most fabulous fenders. They will let you grab their fenders, but only if you are famous.

  4. Troy in ANE
    Troy in ANE says:

    I am glad to hear that it will be accessible by water. We are staying at Lakeside in Mt. Dora this year, once the boat hits the water I hate to get back in a vehicle to drive. May even get a chauffeur to take me, it is her boat after all.

  5. m-fine
    m-fine says:

    I’ll be in a rental car, but I guess I can still drive around with fenders in honor (honour?) of this event. Wait, when on a car are they fenders, or are they numbers? This could get confusing.

  6. Terr Fiest, Show Chairman
    Terr Fiest, Show Chairman says:

    A Big Florida welcome to everyone!!–This is the 30th anniversary of the Sunnyland Antique Boat Festival and we are excited to see everyone!!

    The Thursday Night Reception has grown into a major event and this year we are calling it a “Canadian/US Reception” to honor all our Canadian Friends for their heritage and contribution to the Wooden Boat Community.

    Plan to join us at 6pm Thursday night Mar 23 at the Lake View Inn on the show property. Safe travels and see you soon.

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