THIS MONDAY – The 17th Annual Virtual Holiday Party, Anyone Who Was Anyone Will Be There.

We got tons of ice

Here we go! Another year down the drain. Just a bilge full of oily mess. And yet here we are, looking forward to the Lake Dora Countdown, and other woody winter traditions. And if you are lucky, maybe just maybe, Santa will bring you a gallon of milk and a good Barbie Murder Mystery. So, mark your calendars for MONDAY, all day. Show up in the comment section,l or stick around. You may be surprised who shows up.

Dean always shows up.

Oh Deano

Troy will bring his”cousins”

I recognize the face, but just cant put a name on it

Open Bar…



All the Chicken on a stick you can handle

Larry will be here. At least thats what the Physic tells me

Santa and his Ho’s will be here. I hope.

And yes! Zip has survived another year of smoking and drinking. He’s on a reporator now, and needs help opening up a can of BLATZ Beer. But he still has that YA WHATEVER…. spirit.



20 replies
  1. BT
    BT says:

    Back in 1966 the Mamas and Papas said it best: Monday, Monday, so good to me. Monday morning it was all I hoped it would be.

    • floyd r turbo
      floyd r turbo says:

      You already have your Festivus pole up? I find tinsel distracting. Don’t forget to gather your family around after dinner to tell them all the ways they have disappointed you over the past year.

  2. Mark in Ohio (sometimes da U P )
    Mark in Ohio (sometimes da U P ) says:

    🎶Come Monday it will be all right 🎶 I hear Jimmy Buffet singing already. I hear he will be there singing about boat drinks🍻

  3. Mark in Ohio (sometimes da U P )
    Mark in Ohio (sometimes da U P ) says:

    🎶Come Monday it will be all right 🎶 I hear Jimmy Buffet singing already. Rumor has it he will be there singing about boat drinks🍻 “Keep the party going”

        • Troy in ANE
          Troy in ANE says:

          Hey Ron on the other side of the continent (PNW)
          Good Luck With That!
          In all the years that I have followed WB’er and bought T-shirts I have yet to see on brought out for a second run. The possible exception is Sons of Varnish, and even then they differ somewhat.

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