Welcome To The 14th Annual Woody Boater Annual Holiday Party. Come On In!
Alright, here we go, come on in. Everyone is expected today and many have been traveling all night for this annual debaucherous holiday party. The Boatress has been preparing all sorts of goodies for the party, Mr B has also been getting ready and we will be cleaning the bathrooms every hour on the hour.
We have so much to celebrate this year, and its great to have you here, please mingle in the comment section, we will be updateing throughout the day and hopefully none of you will require a “visit” to the HR dept tomorrow. Then again, we would need to have an HR dept. So do what ya gotta do. Pets welcome.
So come on in. We are thrilled you are here.
Man its always awkward being the first at the party. I’ll put on the coffee.
It’s party time been up all night drinking waiting for this
On my way. Merry Christmas, stay well everyone! God Bless America and WoodyBoaters everywhere.
Falmouth on the Cape? Will be up there next week if I survive this party.
Falmouth Virginia, Fredericksburg VA
Well I’ll join you early. I know the real fun always starts way later but I will have left by then. Trouble ahead oh, lady in red and I don’t need anymore trouble of any kind this year.
Already went out to hug my boat and grab some refreshments. This party is the new reality because it reflects my non virtual holiday celebration. Just me my first mate. So roll out the barrel , nobody is watching. Merry Christmas to all
Glad the party has started and good to see everyone. Mr. B is looking good and should keep things under control. Merry Christmas from the Michigan Gang!
I would like to introduce Kai. I went to the humane society to look at another Husky. After being told the Husky could scale a 6ft fence in 20 seconds flat I decided that I’m too old to chase Houdini daily. Kai is a Blue heeler mix. So far he has been a good choice.
I was at a party Sunday and Monday so I’m getting a slow start.❄🎅❄
Congrats Jim. Looking forward to getting to know Kai on WB!
Congrats on the pooch, Jim! We lost Zephyr in July. Re-doged last week with Enzo. Irish terrier mix about to experience his first Christmas. Party on all!
Kai looks like he has personality! Good dog, Jim
Oh BOY things are heating up early this year!!
Merry Christmas from beautiful Lake Hopatcong! Bob Rice and I are on our way
Boy I’m tuckered out already, time for a nap, oh wait I just got up, but I’m ready for one—–you all are such party animals.
Making good time in Rocket Man. Should be there soon.
Congrats Jim on your new friend !
Party pooper, but I gotta get home before the river freezes.
Merry Christmas to all!!!
Merry Christmas
I guess that I had one to many …….Grrrrr
Be right there
We are ready to party! Merry Christmas to all and to all have a great time at the party. Being that this is the shortest day of the year it can only get brighter [hopefully].
I have some glassware to contribute
OK, I’ve got bail money at the ready if this thing gets out of hand like it always does……….
Hope all have a Merry Christmas and the presents under the tree include plane tickets and hotel reservations for Mt. Dora.
Looking forward to seeing all there!!!
Jim, so happy that Kai has that familiar “Human, I am your master” look too!
Merry Christmas , roll out the barrels
Another Virtual Party ? Ok, We are Virtually on the way in this little Woody Boat.
Still early and the gifts are already starting to flow!
Chad I think this one is for you.
Why, thank you Troy.
Right back at ya.
Our office dogs are ready to party.
Our office dogs, Millie and Stella are ready to party.
Merry Christmas from up here in the north.
Ho,Ho,Ho…. Oh no. I left the hose connected again. Uggggg
Santa’s little helper is holding things up.
I wonder if she needs a helper?…..just trying to be friendly!!
Finally decided to ‘Spring’ for first class travel to the party!
I’m having a hard time keeping Gus away from the tree… I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and New Years!
Sis just got her colonoscopy done!Can you tell?
Is there going to be any skiing?
It’s a cold and rainy day on Lake Allatoona Ga
The Chris Crafts are all nestled in their slips
but we can party on Woody Boater
Merry Christmas to all
Party On
Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday.
Fog finally cleared, so we can get on our way. Merry Christmas to all in Woodyboaterville!
Best alumaboater on this site.
Day dreamed of putting my Starduster Too on floats but it has enough drag already–and we have precious little water to fly off of in the desert.
The plane’s not ours 😉 We used to enjoy watching it take off & land behind our house, when we lived on the Fox River in northern IL. The photo was taken from our lawn there.
Bah Humbug!
The Bildsten’s and Setterholm’s are on the way. Notice that the ice is already off Lake Minnetonka.
Merry Christmas to all….came right back from GOING BOATING…just to be with you all at this annual bash!
We will “hang around” On the tree later today. Stay safe and enjoy your Christmas!
We are here and we brought beer🍻
We are here and also brought food and beer. I know Bosch beer was requested last year, but we couldn’t find any.
The scoot across the pacific went as planned. 137 refuelling stops. French New Calidonia just voted to stay French so huge party there. Fiji was nice, always so friendly. Got stuck into the Fiji Bitter and Kava so that kept the nerves calm as we headed up to Tahiti. Calm waters and warm sea breezes as we approach the beautiful Hawaiian islands. The mighty Ford interceptor is running like the champ it is. After Hawaii where we will be overnighting at The White Lotus and getting amongst a few longboards at the bar. Next morning we will make a dash to Huntington Beach to pick up Steve. What time does the party start again? I think we’re going to be a little late.
Duster – the Xmas red carpet is always out for you and your clan. Arrangements made for a proper berth for “Miss Tahoe.” Plenty of bubbly iced down and ready. Chur!!
Duster……..hurry, hurry!!
Stuck in the tree here and enjoying the party! Merry Christmas to all!
Damn! Left my WB mug in Berlin but luckily don’t need a fake Zoom background to celebrate in Colorado! Frohe Weihnachten!
Wow, y’all sure can drink it down!!!!
Here’s some more of our KY bourbon for the bar.
This stuff is high test and makes rec fuel look like soda pop. It’ll either put hair on your chest or applied topically, will remove it and varnish too!!!!!
I had to finish my Christmas list. This one just became available at our local wood boat store. Now all I need is the price and the money. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvgm67MINfY&list=TLGGPJeM-S0XjYAyMTEyMjAyMQ&t=4s
Did the moderator decide to hold that little hot tip in Maryland back for his own, perhaps?
Had to shovel this morning up in Minnesota and am on my way. Save some Lyman beer and Murdock’s special reserve and, for sure some whitebait. It sounds like a better way to prepare Lake Superior smelt.
Wish you would have kept it in Minnesota. Slow going so far.
Not fast, but on our way!
No word from M-Fine yet? I found his survival kit.
Weather has cleared
It’s VFR
Now let’s get to the 🎉🎊🥳
Now that’s a good combo!
passed out at the wheel(better than asleep last time)
I’m on my way with a way to help generate some fun! 6 volt style.
We found some open water in Minnesota and we are on our way.
The door prizes are AMAZING this year!!
Someone told me I won this last year so I took it home. Then the police came by. Careful with what you think is a door prize.
I’m on my way, took a wrong turn and the Ducati doesn’t like the cold weather.
Texx: Slow down your date is trying to catch up.
Ducati!!! Texx has upgraded from the Harley. Merry Christmas my old friend!
Thanks Greg, still have the H-D but the Ducati provides for some more “spirited” riding. Happy Holidays Greg & Marianne!
Will someone please keep the kids at this party under control!
Thinking of all of you today, well most of you, well some of you!
Merry Christmas!
We heard there was a Woody Boats party. Hope we’re not too late.
The Islander bar is empty. Everyone has left and came to the Woody Boater Christmas party. I have been there all day. Have enjoyed it. Merry Christmas to all🎅🎄
The Islander Bar is a great spot, many fond memories with our friend Alex Watson in that place. Hessel rocks!
Anybody got a cigarette I can borrow?
i was waiting for a zip appearance,
hope mr b dosnt get his smoking habit.
The Stanley Cup has arrived. Sorry about the ugly boat. And the toons.
I’ll get there but it’s a goin’ kinda slow. 😉
Someone needs to tell him that smoking is not cool anymore. Not me, I aint telling him, he will rip my face off. Someone else!
I’m not telling him. He looks cool as hell.
Hay Matt!
Where did all the Bitches go?
What you looking for Mr. B?
sorry im late,iwish all merry xmass
The Band is on their way. They are scheduled to take the stage at 7:00
Only 2 left!!
Since Santa is calling it a night, I guess I will too. I will check in in the morning and see how everyone is doing.
Merry Christmas!!
Lets all get home safe tonight. If you’ve had too much eggnog, snd are wearing the lampshade, don’t worry. Just get a tow home or let Zip have they keys.
Merry Christmas to all from moon-y south Florida.
Merry Christmas everyone.