Well, That Was Interesting.


Yesterday’s story certainly sparked some conversation, and brought out some insights that might or might not be helpful. As one person said in an email. ” And just like that WoodyBoater is back!” And then another said, “It would have been better to post a lame ebay post or something about you, if what you are really doing is for the better of the boating community.”  and so on. I get it. And trust me doing lame ebay stories on toilet seats is far more passive and less risky.

We are family!

I do like the ACBS, our community NEEDS the ACBS. And it needs us. And it also needs to be IN the conversation which it is. Like I said, many of the team are also WoodyBoaters. The club changes with the tides, so there is no one demon. Yesterdays story about a Don, great guy stepping away, and this post card thing are bad timing. Or not? I can totally relate to why Don is doing what he did. Weather its because of  a hip issue or just tired of the crap.


And yes to be transparent, I am not a member of any club. Period. I do not belong to any of any sort of club. And therefore did not get a post card or email. But man oh man I did get a ton of crap from many of you. More than normal. Text messages and emails. Lots of emails. So in fact it is news, and not talking about it is worse than ignoring it. WE.. ALL OF US, are part of the community, we are different, some cheap ass folks and some way over generous. Funny, and ass wipes. But we are a family, and the ACBS is the only real structure that we have holding it all together. The folks that step up to the firing squad and volunteer are saints. Good or bad. At least they are doing something.

I personally cant be part of any group , I have tried. I get very frustrated and burn out. BUT, I want to help, LOVE to help, but in my own way. It’s the fuel that makes me do this. For over 17 years 365 days a year. At least there is a place to bitch. At least there is some sort of independent voice, and I am more than happy to be the Woody Floater, the guy that does lame ass ebay stories to keep the lights on. And also very proud of the entire community, and the ACBS and what its done for all of us weather we are part of it, or not.

And if any of you are wondering. YES yesterdays traffic was double the normal count. ACBS was spelled correctly and I got a Shameless plug in there for the ACBS INTERNATIONAL at Gull Lake in September out there. See, double the readership, double the awareness. You all are just pawns in my marketing ploys..

So there. Energy is energy, and old men yelling about being on there lawn and crap being to expensive is a normal sign of a life well lived. Hopefully some of us, you, not me, no way me. Some of us decided, you know what? I can make it better and signed up for the ACBS and helped other folks in your community GO BOATING!

LETS go boating!

19 replies
  1. Troy in ANE
    Troy in ANE says:

    Someone needs to bring this stuff out so we can discuss it openly, however I think you need to get out on the boat, sit back and get a good old-fashioned foot rub.

  2. John Rothert
    John Rothert says:

    Ok, so no more giving ACBS the finger…looks like, in Troy’s pic, the boatress can just give the TOE! friends all, great friends…thanks for all. John in Va

  3. Royce Humphreys
    Royce Humphreys says:

    Great job on your reporting! I had a good friend who just joined ACBS and received the email that it was urgent to call in and update his information only to be given the sales pitch for the 50 year anniversary book. He was not impressed to say the least! Keep on keeping on and thank you for elevating the conversations! Long live Woodyboater!

  4. Mark in Ohio (sometimes da U P)
    Mark in Ohio (sometimes da U P) says:

    Yesterdays comments were interesting, to say the least. I tried to keep it lite. I was ignored and passed over. Oh well its hot get out there!

  5. John Rothert
    John Rothert says:

    Soooo….I was trying to chill out on the ACBS thing….only to find yet another URGENT post card in today’s mail. Stick a fork in me…I am DONE….
    John in VA

  6. floyd r turbo
    floyd r turbo says:

    I’m not sure I get the reason for all the uproar other than members are not happy with this decision for the 50th anniversary thing. Ok, don’t participate, simple as that. A past ACBS president friend knew nothing about this until I explained it to him and said he’s not going to participate, too much trouble. When I couldn’t give him in depth history of it he said he would call past presidents or directors to find out more. He’s been pretty much secluded in his own little world of boats on his lake but asks, when I swing by Mount Dora or Clayton or where ever, did I talk to this member or so and so. If he had never been involved in national (or international) he (and we) would have never met these fine people across the country. While hauling a customer’s boat to Mount Dora last weekend I got to share Saturday breakfast with the regulars courtesy of Gary Scherb’s invitation talking with the 13 or 14 who showed up. Pretty good attendance for the heat of the summer which included Herb Hall, by the way, not to minimize the others. Got to see their rides as well, which of course included some restored sports cars, Herb’s TR6, an MGA twin cam and ubiquitous pickup trucks. Without these connections it would be so much harder to find parts, restoration tips and procedures, and the camaraderie that we experience with our boats.

    • Troy in ANE
      Troy in ANE says:

      The “Uproar” is that our beloved ACBS sold (or gave) our personal information to some marketing company without even benefiting from the profits of the sales of the products that they are pushing upon us under the false pretense of “updating records”.
      If ACBS was profiting from these sales I think many of us would be in support of such a campaign.

      • floyd r turbo
        floyd r turbo says:

        I guess that’s why we need volunteers on the board that know the value of branding and the organizations data. Unfortunately, guys like Matt who know should have been consulted if they’re not on the board should have been. DK squared. Some people don’t know what they don’t know.

  7. Terry Fiest
    Terry Fiest says:

    Hey Gang—-Whats neat about the Hobby is we all know each other—–or we have great commonality—–“The Passion is still there”—on the Brighter side there are only 207 days until the “Sunnyland Antique Boat Festival in beautiful Tavares Florida—-Its like a family Home Coming!!!!!!—-a place where we all blend—-give hugs—shake hands and we get a nice new T-Shirt!!!!—-Happy Boating—–See most of you at Gull Lake in a few days—Great photo of the Chris Craft Sterns—-all the best—-Terry

  8. JD
    JD says:

    I think one of the most insightful things Matt shared in a reply to yesterday’s post was, “I agree that it is a small club. We are a small community. Which is why trust is so critical.” TRUST. When you’re volunteering your heart & soul for the betterment of a shared common interest club/community. . . . and TRUST is violated via indifference/incompetence/disrespect….it really crushes some volunteers’ souls. It may be the culmination of a series of TRUST violations, but when the limit is reached: the club/community has lost that valuable asset….who only required a little love & respect in exchange for their tireless service. So sad this oft repeated mistake is not a teachable moment used to ensure it doesn’t happen again. SMH.


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