This Weekend Get The Heck Outta Here, There, Anywhere!

Last night

This weekend’s weather is supposed to be perfect for boating around here in the Mid Atlantic. So of course it must be that way across the planet… right? Right? Ya, I know, but here it’s supposed to be low humidity and 80. So, you know what to do. Put your lawnmower in the garage, tell the family, it’s boating time. And Go, Go, Go! In fact, the fact you are reading this right now, pains me.

Sunset over the Great Wicomico

The fact that I am writing this pains me. Which is why you are getting a lame get out there story. I do have some very very cool barn find stories headed your way. But no way I am wasting it on a Weekend. Big Al, sent us a choice sweet one for sure. This is last night. Ahhhhhhhhhhh, Long story to follow. All good, but an amazing learning experience.


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11 replies
  1. m-fine
    m-fine says:

    We are likely to hit peaks of 70 with minimal rain and some chance of a small break in the clouds here or there. I guess that will have to serve as our ideal boating weather.

  2. John F Rothert
    John F Rothert says:

    great video …. we are heading out this afternoon for a weekend of Chesapeake GOING BOATING!
    This is Buy Boat weekend in Urbanna Va.
    very cool classic big boat event!

    John in Va

  3. Karl Hoffman
    Karl Hoffman says:

    Hi Matt

    I see you finally got the 283/350 installed. You should do a story of the installation and why you went to the V 8

  4. Kelly Wittenauer
    Kelly Wittenauer says:

    Took this when I finally “got out there” in the Aristocraft last weekend. Was admiring their success with wildflowers along the shoreline, but love the stained glass hanging in the slip. And check out the rocket ship playhouse at the left edge of the photo.

  5. Rick
    Rick says:

    Reading this on the boat. Day 6. So I have been, am and still will be for 2 more days be out there. Through thunderstorms, wind, waves and stuck bridges.

  6. Dick Dow
    Dick Dow says:

    Best way to clean the bottom… 😉 Looks like “Sindbad” may hit the water today – first time in over a year. Hope it floats!

  7. tom
    tom says:

    Just curious,Matt,has top speed increased with new motor?(Was away for weekend,so i’m late to comments)

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