Tag Archive for: classic boats
Vintage Boat Postcards From Where? What?
Art, Destinations
For years I have been joking that we have no readers from Wyoming, and places like Nebraska, Kansas and Utah are also on the bottom of the readership list. Makes sense. Not States known for boating...or are they? Maybe its my ignorance and…
One Click And They Grow Up
Every now and then I get a photo that just makes me smile, and evokes all sorts of emotion. Thats the wonder of still photographs. One quick click and you don't need anymore to tell the story. Thats why Lapkin, Kent, and others are so…
Adding Some Rattan Texture To Your Classic Boat
One of the more fun parts of owning Sweet Pea is the freedom to design and enhance her very simple and very classic lines. Her interior was always very plain Jane, and as you have seen, snazzing her up has been a journey of sorts. BUT, the…
1911 Skipjack At The Global HQ Makes A Picture Perfect Day
Art, Classic Boats
Forget setting your clocks back.... We set the decades back yesterday at Global HQ, and wow! I mean WOW WOW WOW! Yesterday was a magical day in so many ways. Warm, low light, and it all became some sort of spontaneous boat event at HQ. I…
Boat Hill National Memorial Gardens At Global HQ
Art, Classic Boats
Over the past week, Wayne Bomb and I have been clearing out some areas and found a bunch of Rudders, LOTS of rudders, props, shafts, and a ton..literally, of odd heavy parts. Of course many see this stuff as junk. I see it as elements of…
Is There A Difference Between Classic Boats And Wooden Boats?
Classic Boats
In yesterdays dribble fest of marketing spew-isms, "Doug In Maine" brought up the issue, or issues of Wooden Boat Magazine being a part of the rebirth of classic boats. Yes...ish, well. At first I thought of course, but then that got me…
Pre War, Post War Or Post Post War Classic Boats. Which One Is A Better Investment?
Art, Classic Boats
First, this is a repeat story from 2015. We made a 16 drive yesterday and to be honest. I am still sleeping. Yes I did this last night, or now, but will be published in the morning, today which is tomorrow.
Second, yes I said investment.…
10 Universal Truths – Welcome To The Wonderful World Of Classic Boats.
Art, Classic Boats, Woody Boaters
This year more than any other year we have been doing this, I feel a huge swell of new Woody Boaters. It's wonderful and exciting. And from talking to many of the brokers, the under 30K boats are selling briskly. Which is entry level stuff.…
Guess Who Has A 2020 Classic Boat Calendar Ready? Come On? Guess?
Here is a hint. It's in his middle name? Need another hint? Really? This poor guy works his aft off on this every year, and literally is named after it? I had the pleasure of being featured for this month, and also in the new 2020 version.…
“Midget Sluggers” Elco PT Boats Wartime Film
Ya the official name of the film is Giant Killers, but the term Midget Sluggers was used in the film and felt more Woodyboaterish. We are talking PT boats now. Not Higgins or even Huckins
But Elco's! This is a very cool film that…
This is it! The weekend for many! The leaves are ready, your camera better be charged up. And you will need to muster all the summer you have left in you to get out there and enjoy this weekend. Sadly it's starting to be that time of year.…
Oh Come On. YNOT Some More Amazing Photos Of Alex Bay.
Art, Boat Shows, Classic Boats
I pray you have been tuning in and enjoying the fun that's been happening here on Woody Boater live from the Big Alex bay event. Well, its now turning into Woodstock, or better yet Woodystock! We have a thing happening with more artists…
Kent and Steve Are Having More Fun Than Any Of Us! Maybe?
ArtThis is turning out to be one of those times doing Woody Boater that pure magic is happening. I hope you are here enjoying it happen live as we are doing it as well. As an artist, and a person that loves being behind the scenes more than in…
The Beauty Of Lake Vermilion
Boat Shows
A huge thanks to fellow Woody Boaters Chris and Julie Bullen for sending us a great report from Lake Vermiion. Now, you may be wondering why it's called Lake Vermilion. Okay maybe you didn't ask, but I did. I mean why would a lake be named…
Six Volters You Have Been Heard! 6 Volt Bilge Pumps Thanks To Jim Staib!
Classic Boats
A huge thanks to Jim Staib of Fine Wood Boats for putting his money where all your bitching has been about 6 volt bilge pumps. As many of you 6 Volters may all cheer now. You now have an available new bilge pump! Thats right, that used Lovett…
Original Can Of Bilge Paint. Go All The Way On Your Show Boat.
You are at your fancy pants judged show and it's neck and neck on your boat and your competitor. Both are well respected boat, you have an original Zipper, they have an original zipper. And then you drop the bomb. Mine has New Old Stock…
We Are Kick’n Some Aft Now! Sons Of Varnish Rule!
Art, Destinations, Woody Boater of the Month, Woody Boaters
So, you think your a bad ass cause you own a Sons Of Varnish t Shirt? Okay, wait, I do.. Okay I did. Not anymore. No thanks to fellow WoodyBoater of The Month and Sons Of Varnish God Les Husell from The Aland Islands. Les, is seriously all…
Plaid Rocket Update. She Needs A Name.
Art, Classic Boats, Restorations
To start things out, we all know how this may go down..... the dark rabbit hole of obscure references, Troy will no doubt post a girl in a Tartan and we are all back to normal after the last gasping of 2017. But what the heck, gotta kiss…
Not So Gasp! It’s Still Woody Boating Weather.
Classic Boats, Destinations
Mother of all Natures, man oh man did she deliver big time in Virginia yesterday. All my travels around the planet, and here right at home in little Reedville VA, we got eh day of days. Wecatchem ran like a sewing machine. A big block sewing…
Absolute Clayton By Kent O. Smith Jr.
Art, Boat Shows, Destinations
A huge mega thanks to Kent O. Smith Jr for his amazing report on Clayton. He says it best. "Being the next guy in line to share photos from the same show is challenging at best." But one thing we all know is that Kent is up to the job, and…
Big Dollar Big Cruisers That Are A Big Steal Of A Deal!
Classic Boats
Fellow Woody Boater Dave Bortner of Freedom Boat Service, a sponsor, has gone all in on trying to improve the false image that cruisers are give away boats. Which they are not. There are some Woody Boaters out there that also believe thos…
Tom’s Rocket!
Classic Boats
This is not in the under $5k range, but still is a very affordable fun boat. We love these simple painted Rockets, and so did Tom. One of two owners. The other good news is that lots of work was done, like chrome, engine etc.
This Silver Arrow Is Shooting Straight For Lake Dora, And My Heart!
Classic BoatsLeave it to the YNOT Yacht gang to bring some more amazing plastic heat to the Lake Dora event. Each year these fun guys bring something exciting that just blows us away. Well, after last years amazing Donzi and Chris Craft XK, this year they…
New Website For The Chris – Craft Antique Boat Club Goes Live! WOW!
Community/WebThe new Chris Craft Antique Boat Clubs website is live and it is fantastic. It's one more fine example of how high the standards are for the club communications. The Brass Bell, The Boat Buzz, and archives are just a small part of the clubs…
One Last Classic Boat Run Until Melancholy Sets In.
Art, Classic Boats, Destinations
One of the new things we are trying here is longer more complex videos. Now, know that we are talking iphone here, and me driving and shooting at the same time. And then pecking away at iMovie like a 3rd grader. But we will get better. Wow,…
Phil Andrew’s Century Blue Arabian Glamor Photos Are Here!
Art, Classic Boats
OK, OK, I know, we have shows to report on, winners etc. But I am so jazzed to show you all the first killer shots of the Blue Arabian. Fresh out of the camera Sunday. Phils last gasp until she is delivered in New Zealand in about 5 months.…
Welcome To The 4th Annual Woody Boater Virtual Office Party.
Welcome to the big day, our big holiday party. We hope you can join us in the comment section. Anyone who is anyone will be here, and if they aren't, we will put them here. Being dead is not an excuse, in fact if you are, you could literally…
The Future Of Classic Boating Speak Up. We Hear You Loud And Clear In Woodyboaterville!
Community/Web, Rant
Yesterday was one of those days that exemplifies why we do this. And yes I had to Google exemplify. We can see traffic stats and know where, wear, were the readers come from, what time of day etc. We have had a hunch that we are reaching…
Could Someone Please Lend A Hand With Suzy’s Zipper?
For those of you following the story on Suzy's need to put a top on her. Here is the latest thing she needs. When we got the top we only could find the metal bars. A gold mine for sure. But no soft top as a reference or pattern. There is…
Starlight Express – Realizing A Childhood Dream (Part 2 – The Next 22 Years)
Classic Boats, Community/Web In 1956 fellow Woody Boater Randy Mueller's dream of one day ownig a Matthews Martinique Express began when he received his first set of brochures from the MATTHEWS Company in Port Clinton, Ohio with a nice letter from their sales manager,…
Buying An Antique Boat To Go Boating? You Must Be Kidding!
Art, Classic Boats, RantI was recently asked to participate in an Antique Blog, on well...antiques. www.hrantiques.com At first I thought, heck that would be easy, and fun and a great way to promote the passion of Antique & Classic boating. That was a month ago.…