Is WoodyBoater The Closet Way To Own A Classic Boat, Without Owning A Classic Boat?

You can get into this little universe for under $1K

If you have a pal who is sniffing around the idea of getting a classic boat, tell them to tune into WoodyBoater for a month or two, and  they will get it. What’s it? What it’s like to own a Woody Boat.  The ups, downs, and the overall vibe of ownership. And more importantly the community that we all live in.  And tell them to ask anything. Be open with your  fears, we all have them. And when you realize none of us are experts at it all, then it makes it more fun. YOU’RE NEVER ALONE  IN A WOODY BOAT!

You may think you are alone, but you will always have history with you. And a bunch of us to make fun of you

You also will realize that this community is a giving community, not looking for the fast buck, or being deceptive, as a rule, all very trustworthy. It’s such a small community, word of mouth is very effective. Sometimes a little gossipy, but mostly self governing.

Sometimes Ship happens

One thing to know as a new person eye balling a boat, is 99% of the fun is the uncertainty of it all. You will break down, and we will laugh at you. And then tow you in and help you get back going.  Chances are if you are looking at a boat, we all know the boat, the ownership, and whats a fair value for all of us.


Timeless fun

Now, the elephant in the room. YA GOTTA GO TO LAKE DORA! This year. Like in 60 days. One, its warm, Florida warm, two we will all be there. AND, boats will be there. LOTS OF BOATS. And rides if you ask. Which of course makes Lake Dora the largest used car lot on the planet earth, okay used boat lot. Okay okay used classic boat lot. Okay okay okay, not every boat is for sale. BUT we sure are all salesmen and women for the passion. SO GO. NO NEED FOR A BOAT TO OWN. But you may want to have a trailer hitch on your vehicle.

21 replies
  1. Art
    Art says:

    Oh boy does ship happen, but when you come out on the other side with friends that you can COUNT ON ……is what WB is all about.

  2. Little dog on the porch
    Little dog on the porch says:

    The 2 ladies in the back seat need to get out more…. Looking a little ashy… Maybe start with Mt. Dora…. Tahoe and Hessel in the middle… I’m sure there are plenty of good shows in June and July… And be well tanned for photo-ops at Gull Lake MN. Get well soon to anyone feeling under the weather.

  3. Bill Terry
    Bill Terry says:

    Great Pitch Matt! I bought my 2nd wood boat a few years after delving into the Woodyboater website / blog/ bible. Additionally, when adding a upstairs bar at Moonlite Bay, I insisted on tossing a couple of small classics into the decor. Why? To hopefully give our guests a little bit of the mellow feeling I get after l get my daily dose of your take on life, the boats, the puppys, the vehicles, texture, color, road trips, cheesecake, sausage, etc.
    Please keep up the great work

    • Art
      Art says:

      Don you are correct, that is my nephew Jeff Armstrong standing on Molly-O who was talking to our leader Matt.
      Yes the steering wheel is not the one that originally came with the boat. Somewhere during my Grandfathers owner ship it got change. we never were told and have not been able to figure out why.
      I can’t find it but Matt has posted a picture if my grandfather at the wheel with the 3 spokes .

      • don vogt
        don vogt says:

        Not a big deal, Art, as long as you are aware of it. I think people should put what they like on their boats. Afterall, it’s their boat!

      • Kent Armstrong
        Kent Armstrong says:

        Here it is Art. Our Grandfather, Milt Meier behind the wheel, with Art photoshopped on the port side. second row is Art Armstrong Senior, with me on his lap and our uncle Ken Armstrong in the stern.

  4. Troy in ANE
    Troy in ANE says:

    OMG we don’t even have to read WB any longer?!? She is a little monotone, but interesting. I can’t wait to hear how she pronounces your misspelled words!

    Good timing as we start our trip to Dora today. Leaving the ANE heading south.

  5. Matt
    Matt says:

    Thats right! For Art! BTW, who requested Voice activated text reading. If you highlite a comment then click on the little sound button in upper left, it will read the comment highlighted. One issue is if you hit the bigger bar across the top it will I think also read the ads. AND TYPOS! Todays is a classic I have decided to leave up cause it still means the same thing

  6. Matt
    Matt says:

    Okay, I have figured out how to Stop talking! So sorry about that. OH boy, I may need to apologize for that now. UGH. Adds a new dimension for sure that its a womans voice.

  7. Matt
    Matt says:

    Yes, you can I think if I get the fancy version. AI voice over and everything. Not sure about Voice activated typing. Might be a key board feature. But will look into it.

  8. Ron in Seattle
    Ron in Seattle says:

    Yes, we have all been seduced by the website, her voice needs to be more seductive… That said, where to stay in Mt Dora? I haven’t been there for too many years. And I will need as ride or TWO, but definitively want to do the Dora canal again. Thanks!


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