Merry Christmas From All Of Us At WoodyBoater. Okay, Ya Ya, What Ya Get?

Wilson got some shoes, lots of shoes

In what is becoming another tradition here at WoodyBoater, we use our Christmas well wishes to brag on our bounty. You can pretend youre an adult other places, but here we know that if you got a fun classic boat gift under the tree, you slip back to being a 12 year old.

We ask every year!

Did you get that orbital sander you really wanted? It’s been years waiting, since splurging on a sander for yourself seems over the top. How about a box of #8 screws.

Reed and Prince screw drivers – Photo Jim Staib

Honestly you can never have enough of those. Even a can of varnish would be nice. And we know for sure since sales were rather brisk, you should have gotten a T shirt or coffee cup this year. Anyway, today Share, cause some of no doubt got a lump of coal, or A CRANK!

No really, did anyone get a crank? A Lil Troy? Oh and you need to read back stories to get what a Lil Troy is. And its not what you think!

25 replies
  1. Jaxon
    Jaxon says:

    TREATS!! TREATS from uncle Joe. TREATS from aunt Jenny. TREATS from John and Ange. TREATS from Gina the mail lady. Big bone from my human. A collar from his X. Got most of them fooled.
    Gonna sleep it off, then have more.

  2. Leslie Best
    Leslie Best says:

    Merry Christmas everybody….I got a 3 piece windshield frame I don’t need anymore. CC utility…never installed.

  3. Jim Staib
    Jim Staib says:

    The neighbors gave me a tin of homemade cookies. Santa brought me an air compressor. Pretty sure he ate the cookies too cause they are gone.
    Merry Christmas to all!!

    • Jim Staib
      Jim Staib says:

      I could go with “Remember I still have another U-22” But it was a freak snowstorm in March Several years ago when I was getting ready for Mt. Dora

      • Matt
        Matt says:

        I found it in the comment section of a story. I loved it and thought it would make a creat header today since so many are getting snow.

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