Really Late Live-ish, Almost Dead-ish It’s So Late Harvy’s Lake Show!

Big gun Cobra – Restored by Katzs Marina
These past two weeks are a killer on my A.D.D meds. Shows, shows and more shows. And two Whoppers Back to back. Phil Andrews pulled it off though. So for those of you lame ass lazy sacks of suds, he flew from NEW ZEALAND to Clayton, and to Tahoe. BAM. And you can’t drive an hr away. Oh wait, that’s me. Dam I hate yelling at myself. And Harvys’s lake is literally a couple hrs from me. I think. Anyway, fellow Woody Boater Steve Moser, of Emily the Thunderbolt sent us in this report.

Emily – Restored by Bo and Kathy Muller
Kinda tough coming right after Clayton and Tahoe… Oh by the way, Toledo is coming very soon, like in a weekish, and then I hear rumor there is a show in Port Huron. September or October? Cant recall. And get this, no captions today from lake harvy, so I get to make them up! Woohooo!

Century, from Germany? That was a long trip.

The Cobra again

Nice pre war Chris Craft runabout

The line up

Not sure what the name means. But the orange and pigskin is always a crowd fave! Maybe he meant Vike King? Those twin lights are kinda like a viking helmet? No? Someone explain this name..

Another barrel back!

It’s a Dock Holiday!

Everyones looking the other way?

Not sure how this photo was taken. Seems a little odd. A hill?

The setting.

Okay, this is up there with the blue foam key chain. YELLOW STRAPS! Really?


Nice line up
Here’s a poor example of a Cobra. One I could afford though. Banks from China.
Nice to see some of the smaller shows represented on Woody Boater. I own two boats that were originally from there (from the Earl Lewis/aka Fat Earl) collection, and hope to take my 22′ Sportsman down there next year, assuming I get my lazy ass in gear and finish it.
BTW-It’s Harveys Lake (ey, no apostrophe). The spelling police have spoken! 🙂
John we look forward to seeing you next year at our show.
Thanks Josh
“THE BIKE KING” was named in honor of my grandfather Josh Bryant Sr. He owned a Schwinn Bicycle store in Kingston, Pa. The name of the store was BRYANT’S THE BIKE KING he named the boat BRYANT’S THE BIKE KING so when I inherited the boats and had it restores I named it “THE BIKE KING” in his honor. We have had the boat in our family since 1955
Josh Bryant III
Thanks for “covering” the Harveys Lake show. It is amazing the boats appear at this show. One year a pair of Ventnor finned runabouts ( both had varnished hulls instead of the usual white) rolled in on the morning of the show. It is a great “small” show with smiling faces and great people. Hope to see you there with Stinky sometime, it’s a Great Lake for early morning flat water.
Thanks Agsin
LOL at Dock Holiday. That has to be one of your best captions in a long time!
what’s wrong with yellow straps? anyway, lake george, ny has a nice show coming up on the 25th.