The Next Day After The First Day At Lake Dora 2018

Karen Harrison at the Helm at the Dora Canal
As promised the fantastic weather and the boats all showed up yesterday. The two temp docks are full, and the show grounds started hopp’n mid day Friday. We were able to shut the store for a couple hours and took a great boat ride through the canal. We did over stock on a bunch of items and today will still be open and selling the goodies. We have just about everything in stock, but starting to run out of sizes. Hope to see you at the tent. And oh, M-fine, too bad on the updates, you should have come!

Headed out to the picnic

The Palm Gardens

Fun with friends in the Dora Canal


Hey! YNOT take my photo

OK YNOT, right back at YA

Giving a flag a workout

Palm Gardens on the Dead River

The Ampha Car guys did not dispoint

Waves all around

The crowds at the show picked up mid day and today is expected to be crazy

More people

Boats Boat and More boats

The Flag!

Dan Nelson with Bill Mack and gang

LOVE! Puttering around and dusting us all with some old school outboard magic scent. I swear I love that smell, it takes me back to my childhood

Loves of waves

Familiar faces, are always great to see each year

Okay, some familiar faces! ladies and Gentlemen, Tommy Holms, the Worlds Sexiest Man made an appearance at our tent early in the morning. What a great guy for the entire culture. If you have never met Tommy, you are missing something.

I love taking photos in the canal.

Really? Pick a side would ya?

Plaidtastic now in her special tent

Great to see the Chris Craft Club stickers on boats

The Evolution of Man!

More Daora Canal shots

What a setting

The Dora Canal is a special place with worn out textures that all blend in with the lush backdrop
Stay tuned for more photos. We are set to leave late tonight, got to make a big meeting on Monday Morning. The big story will be Monday, and tomorrow we are going to feature some amazing news regarding the Palm Gardens. Thanks for stopping by the tent, it was great seeing you all again!
Let me guess…
Troy had a few too many cocktails and bought the Palm Gardens?
No my guess is Matt is having it brought up to Jersey to have Katz restore it and then have it installed in Reedville.
Have camera, will travel, Matt is everywhere at this show. I swear there are three of them. Jimmy is being saught by the sheriff for going 58 in the T-Terror. And Wilson is roaming around looking for chicks with boaties. Great Show. Now if Troy would just leave….
You forget I have wife here with me this year…..Still Stephanie looked pretty cute in that little red boat with the Neverrude outboard.
are you sure that second photo is not a file photo from canada?
theres a fender hanging over the side at speed! streblows deserve better than that!
mike k
(plastic boating on the gulf today)
Have fun! Wish I was there. Nan
A voice out of the past. Hope all is well…You oughta be here.
If it wasn’t 31 degrees this would be a ton of fun! (High school 420 racing)
Never had my picture ( yellow hat) on the cover of Woody Boater before and then later on with Sunnyland flag..Too much exposure.
Regarding Tommy Holmes; yes, if you’ve never met him you’re definitely missing something. Just be sure to be up to speed on your shots first. 😀. Kidding aside, I hope he’s telling everyone about the “S.S. Milwaukee” project taking place this May in Manistee. If not, just ask him.
Woohoo! Missed out on Tavares, but our kids (freshman and sophomores) finished second in the regatta and qualified for the gold regional race in Christchurch VA April 14th. I will have to pull out the Woodyboater app to see if I can find anyone in the area that I could rent a 25 Sportsman or a trawler from for the weekend.
You forgot stinky
Hmmm. I think I might pass on Stinky. I am not a fan of rodent excremental scented interiors.
Debra and I walked the show yesterday then passed by on the water a couple times today.
Absolutely perfect weather!!!
Looks like you’re on the road. Safe travel.