YNOT Take Another View Of The Lake Dora Show?

Burning up the lake!
Today we take a different point of view on the Lake Dora show through the eyes of the LaDonnes of YNOT Yachts. I am not sure how they even took one photo since all saw of them was out on the water giving rides, rides and more rides.

Beach party!

Lots of waves in the Dora Canal.

DO NOT rock the boat.

Majestic magic on the Dora Canal

Great name


Racing an airplane

Lets go!

Ya, and then there was that.

Headed out of the Dora Canal to Lake Eustis

Taking pics

Palm Gardens

Party on the water

On the Dead River

Blue fun

Headed out for a ride on Lake Dora

It’s all about the boat rides

More waves in the Dora Canal

On the lake

The Florida sun cures all

YNOT Rides?

Let it rip!

It’s all about the hats! BTW, this is a very sweet boat. Perfectly done over the years

Laugh all you want. I LOVED THIS THING, and would have given him a flag to finish the look!

Scott Ales out on this amazing craft. More on her later.

Says it all

Mr Funk!

Rides rides!

The tops

T tops?

Jeff Funk and gang out having more fun

Feathercraft look back!

Oh man oh man! AlumaRace on Lake Dora
Woohoo, stay tuned tomorrow for a fun Sausage day of left over fun photos of Lake Dora

Okay, Dave Bortner from Freedom Boat Service and I had a Pants off. Okay, okay, not a off with the pants, I mean i like the guy, but not that there is anything wrong with that, but I mean, oh never mind. Who wears them best? And no those are not my boxer shorts.
A huge thanks to the LaDonne’s at YNOT Yachts for sharing the joy of Woody Boating with so many folks and the amazing photos with the planet today! You can visit them online HERE
Thank you thank you thank you, hate I had to miss but headed to lake Hartwell next month with the Blue Rudge gang for some new fun, at least for me…. 😀
Nice! The YNOT guys never disappoint with their boats or their photography. Matt, you made a good showing, but Bortner is still the King of Shorts.
I don’t know… Madras shorts are one thing (I still have a pair that I can’t get rid of) but I would have a tough time wearing those polka dots in public! You have a pirate’s courage, Matt.
Bortner for the win.
I also have to go with Bortner, but your cap is pretty cool!
It was all great fun. Hat’s off to Terry and the Sunnyland volunteers for puling off a great show under adverse circumstances.
It was great to get out on the lake with the LeDonnes’ in that beautiful SS!
Matt: I think those really are boxers.
Anybody heard from Staib?
Maybe this will help. Oh, and share it with Tommy I think he is probably in the cell next to you.
Just what I needed! Had a small issue while my human was away. Could be time to join a different Country Club.
That Pirate Cuddy, bimini is a rip .. Taking a guess you are showing us a mid 50’s LONE STAR .. Starliner 21 ft. ?
hey matt, hows that diet thing, are you still on their food? or have you weened off of it. nice shorts
Lost 60, and found 20 of it laying around. Its a never ending battle. Which I am loosing. About to regroup and run from that 20. UGH!
I read yesterday that lost fat escapes mostly as we exhale.
Keep breathing heavy to get light!
I don’t think Dave even packed his “competition-grade” wardrobe for this trip. Too early in the season for the high-voltage stuff. That said, madras trump polka dots any day.
Dave might have won the shorts battle but at least Matt got the “shirt out” memo. And the hat, +1, Dave with the layered look -1, but Matt’s white socks -1, Dave -1 on the color match to the madras, but +1 on the coiffure…okay, I’ve lost count. Thanks to all the volunteers at Sunnyland. Unfortunately, I spent most of my time marketing in the Field of Dreams, which was much better location and well run, thanks Gary Scherb and others in the show committee for spending all the BACK TIME that most entrants may or may not realize goes on with the town to make it all work. WELL DONE
Who was the manufacturer of the little red Cabin Cruiser at the top of today’s page? Quite lovely it is.
It is a Dorsett Catalina.
Thanks Carla, yes, a 17 ft one owned by Stephanie Ryan who is a fantastic person and shows up at a ton of shows.